1.312" Valve Seat Counterbore Cutter - Replaceable Inserts - 5/8" Arbor
1.312" Valve Seat Counterbore Cutter - Replaceable Inserts
Actual cutting diameter is .005 inch under the stated cutter size to provide an interference fit necessary for proper valve seat installation. For more information about required interference fit, contact the valve seat manufacturer.
• 2 replaceable cutting tips, each with 4 edges
• When an edge wears, rotate the tip to a new edge or replace with a new carbide insert
• Bodies come with 2 inserts, screws and wrench
• Counterbore Cutters Will cut below stated size for press fit of the seat
NOTE: These cutters DO NOT have set screw/locking screws and are intended to be used with original tool holders/drivers that used o-rings to secure the cutter. These are not compatible with our 5/8" Seat Pocket Cutter Driver - .375 pilots, p/n KWPETE375
For use with Kwik-Way, IDL, Kansas Instruments, Peterson, RMC and Van Norman Guide and Seat machines. Optional K-3800 Adapter is required for use on IDL, RMC and Van Norman Guide and Seat Machines.
Actual cutting diameter is .005 inch under the stated cutter size to provide an interference fit necessary for proper valve seat installation. For more information about required interference fit, contact the valve seat manufacturer.
• 2 replaceable cutting tips, each with 4 edges
• When an edge wears, rotate the tip to a new edge or replace with a new carbide insert
• Bodies come with 2 inserts, screws and wrench
• Counterbore Cutters Will cut below stated size for press fit of the seat
NOTE: These cutters DO NOT have set screw/locking screws and are intended to be used with original tool holders/drivers that used o-rings to secure the cutter. These are not compatible with our 5/8" Seat Pocket Cutter Driver - .375 pilots, p/n KWPETE375
For use with Kwik-Way, IDL, Kansas Instruments, Peterson, RMC and Van Norman Guide and Seat machines. Optional K-3800 Adapter is required for use on IDL, RMC and Van Norman Guide and Seat Machines.